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Dec 21, 2018

Amazingly what we start with – doesn’t have to stop us. Check out this information from Kimbro’s survey of Black billionaires and millionaires. This week’s podcast features key steps to building wealth through researching the habits of the wealthy. I started from zero just like most of today’s Black...

Dec 4, 2018

Celebrate YOU and your financial accomplishments. Take time to acknowledge your achievements. Check out these steps that encourage you to get comfortable with your desires and goals. Too often we allow our daily tasks to dominate every minute of our day - this week we explore why the more you celebrate you  - the...

Nov 18, 2018

A survey, conducted by Harris Poll showed that 60 percent of those surveyed said they would spend more time with friends and family if they didn’t have to worry about buying or making gifts.Enjoy the Holidays and protect your wallet. Set limits on spending and not on love. Share time and keep your finances in order.

Nov 11, 2018

Dream BIG! Surround yourself with positive people, thoughts, and ideas. Dreaming creates excitement and a new life energy. Listen to these steps of overcoming what may be stopping you from fulfilling your life's purpose. DREAM BIG! 

Nov 4, 2018

Learning the gentle art of saying NO is vital to your financial success. This podcast addresses key empowerment steps such as learning your value, setting priorities, and being unapologetic, even increasing your productivity and income.